Sherlock Holmes adalah tokoh detektif fiksi rekaan Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, seorang pengarang dan dokter berkebangsaan Skotlandia. Holmes yang menyebut dirinya sebagai seorang "detektif konsultan" ini dikenal akan ketajaman penalaran logis, kemampuan menyamar, dan keterampilannya dalam menggunakan ilmu forensik untuk memecahkan berbagai kasus.
The Return of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle - Free ... The Return of Sherlock Holmes Note: Magazine Edition Note: There is an improved edition of this title, eBook #108: Contents: The Adventure of the empty house The adventure of the Norwood builder The adventure of the dancing men The adventure of the solitary cyclist The adventure of the priory school The adventure of Black Peter Novel Sherlock Holmes Dalam Bahasa Indonesia - apocf Novel Terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Bahasa Indonesia; Download Novel Sherlock Holmes : Tanda Empat Bahasa Indonesia (PDF). Download Novel Sherlock Holmes : Si Bungkuk Bahasa Indonesia (PDF). Download Ebook Novel Sherlock Holmes Bahasa Indonesia (Lengkap) Latest Artikel : Bagi Gratis. Misteri Kotak Kardus (dalam Salam Terakhir Sherlock List of authors of new Sherlock Holmes stories - Wikipedia D. David Stuart Davies: He is the author of seven Holmes novels: Sherlock Holmes and the Hentzau Affair (1991), The Tangled Skein (1995), The Scroll of the Dead (1998), Shadow of the Rat (1999), The Veiled Detective (2004), The Devil's Promise (2014) and The Ripper Legacy (2016). His Holmes short stories include "The Darlington Substitution Scandal" (in The Mammoth Book of New Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes: Koleksi Kasus 1 by Arthur Conan Doyle
I still remember the thrill I felt when I happened upon a set of the complete Sherlock Holmes stories at an antique store. For a mere ten dollars, I acquired handsomely bound, suitably patina-of-age-bearing editions of each and every one of the sleuth of 221B Baker Street's adventures that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ever wrote. In addition to this thrill, I also got a few surprises: first that all The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle ... Mar 01, 1999 · Free kindle book and epub digitized and proofread by Project Gutenberg. Novel Sherlock Holmes:Free eBook Jan 02, 2012 · Novel Sherlock Holmes Indonesia Sherlock Holmes adalah detektif fiktif berkebangsaan Inggris ciptaan Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Ia biasanya ditemani rekannya Dr. Watson dalam petualangannya. Download Novel Sherlock Holmes - EBOOK CENTER
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Download Novel dan Cerpen Sherlock Holmes PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) Tuesday, February 7, 2017 Novel , Novel Terjemahan , Sherlock Holmes , Sir Arthur Conan …
List of authors of new Sherlock Holmes stories - Wikipedia D. David Stuart Davies: He is the author of seven Holmes novels: Sherlock Holmes and the Hentzau Affair (1991), The Tangled Skein (1995), The Scroll of the Dead (1998), Shadow of the Rat (1999), The Veiled Detective (2004), The Devil's Promise (2014) and The Ripper Legacy (2016). His Holmes short stories include "The Darlington Substitution Scandal" (in The Mammoth Book of New Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes: Koleksi Kasus 1 by Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes, without any doubt, is the detective of all time :D Bahkan setelah umurnya lebih dari seratus tahun, kasus-kasus Sherlock Holmes tetap tidak ketinggalan jaman dan sangat bisa dinikmati. Buku koleksi kasus Sherlock Holmes terbitan GPU ini merupakan kompilasi kasus-kasus Holmes yang … List of Sherlock Holmes Fiction | Conan Doyle Info List of Sherlock Holmes Fiction. Works by Arthur Conan Doyle Featuring Sherlock Holmes. Just how many Sherlock Holmes novels and short stories are there? Here’s a list that includes the date they were published. This novel was originally published in a serialized format in 1914 through 1915 in The Strand. 1915 Cover for The Valley of Fear.